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10 Tips for Managing Cash Flow in Small Business

As a small business owner, cash flow are two words that you only really want to hear in the same sentence as positive. It’s the age-old balancing act of ensuring there’s more money coming into the business on any given period than there is coming out. It sounds simple enough but sometimes small oversights mount…

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Adapting Business for the New Normal

Small businesses have an instinctive ability to be able to adapt to changing economic and market conditions and at no time has that agility and determination been more necessary than during the unforeseeable trading conditions of recent.  As the pandemic unfolded, companies were required to deal with forced closures,something that 65% of SMB leaders said…

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Asset-based Lending – Fact or Fiction

Asset-based lending has been around for a long time and is a very popular way to improve working capital for businesses that aren’t able to access traditional financing or need a cash injection quickly. It’s still a little bit misunderstood and this could be in part because the terminology around it isn’t very clear but…

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Sallyport Commercial Finance Helps Flooring Distributor

1/22/21 California – Sallyport Commercial Finance provides a $500,000 Accounts Receivable Financing Facility to support a growing distributor of flooring products. Partnering with their existing inventory lender, Sallyport was able to free up working capital and provide essential receivable management services to help the business succeed. “A trusted business consultant knew the client had a…

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Sallyport Commercial Finance helps Canadian Industrial Safety Firm

12/2020 – Alberta – Sallyport Commercial Finance delivers a $500,000 Accounts Receivable facility to an industrial safety firm providing essential medical and rescue services to the oil and gas industry. The business owner was seeking a financing partner that would help him manage the newly awarded contract with his customers and provide assurances to cover…

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Sallyport Commercial Finance Announces a $5.0M Credit Facility for an Established Apparel Company

11/25/20 – Northeast – Sallyport Commercial Finance provides timely financing to an apparel company that was hit hard when major retailers started to cancel orders due to the COVID pandemic. This new credit facility coupled with a seasonal inventory lender will provide the needed working capital to continue their exceptional service and help grow market…

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Sallyport Commercial Finance offers a $4,000,000 line of credit for Canadian Security Firm

10/28/2020 – Canada – Sallyport Commercial Finance opens a $4,000,000 Accounts Receivable facility to a large Canadian Security Firm. After several lenders reviewed and passed on the business, the company was introduced to Sallyport who took the time to listen and structure a solution that will benefit the business for long term expansion. “The company…

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Sallyport Commercial Finance secures a $500,000 accounts receivable line of credit for staffing company

10/20/20 – Texas – Sallyport Commercial Finance provides needed working capital for staffing firm servicing the oil and gas sector.  The business found itself without a credit facility and abandoned when their current lender decided to exit out of energy.  Taking the time to understand the client’s current situation and partnering with a credit insurance…

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Sallyport Commercial Finance expedites a $1,500,000 funding request for service provider to cover payroll

10/14/20 – Louisiana – Sallyport Commercial Finance helps a staffing firm in the oil and gas sector meet critical time lines to meet payroll.  The business found itself short on funds as they tapped out their PPP funding and scrambled to cover payroll.  In less than a week, Sallyport’s team structured a $1,500,000 credit facility,…

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