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Where to Find Funding for Dropshipping Businesses

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Dropshipping can be a very low-cost way to start an e-commerce business. You can think of it as using a virtual warehouse for products that a third-party ships directly to your customer after they place an order on your website. No need to store inventory in a dedicated warehouse or in your garage and very…

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UK Firms Consider Move Across the Pond

Over 6-months following the UK’s official exit from Europe and the implications for UK-based exporting businesses remain murky. Many larger companies have weathered the storm successfully, if they had the motivation to persist through new complexities to trading that is. On the other hand, it seems that SMEs without the necessary resources to navigate the…

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Business Banking post-COVID


The business banking industry had to adapt as quickly as COVID-19 hit. For a business model that was edging slowly towards digital adoption, resistant to change in many ways and restricted by onerous regulations, banks handled the short-term needs of small business customers surprisingly well in the midst of a crisis.  Governments relied on banks…

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How to Extend Credit to Customers the Right Way

In the current climate it’s highly likely you’ve already been asked to extend credit terms to your customers. Small businesses are under increasing pressure from every angle; many need to request extended payment terms to relieve their own cash flow issues resulting from the pandemic, or their larger customers are imposing longer credit terms on…

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Sallyport Propels Wholesale Business with $1.5MM in Funds

Sallyport are delighted to have been able to support a longstanding contact with $1,500,000 in accounts receivable finance to propel their wholesale business to the next level. The client needed funds to pay an overseas supplier for a large order, in full, prior to goods being shipped. Through our past relationship, the client knew that…

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A to Z of Small Business Finance and Credit Terms

Most small business owners go into business to follow a passion or create freedom in their career and lives. It’s fair to say not many go into a new venture with a great handle on small business finance although at some point, access to funds will be needed to scale and expand the business. Getting…

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$5MM Finance for a Construction Business

Sallyport have just finalized an agreement to provide $5.0 million in finance for a construction business. The client had limited options given that they needed funding quickly and didn’t want to rely on an expensive MCA lender to meet their needs. They required $1.5 million immediately with an uplift to a total facility of $5…

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Labor Market Shortages Stifling SME Growth

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Since the U.S. has started to resume business-as-normal there’s been talk of a labor market shortage emerging and creating a mismatch between supply and demand; new vacancies have soared as hires declined. In April, the Labor Department’s Jolts report recorded a record increase of 998,000 new job openings, the biggest increase since tracking began in…

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$2MM Purchase Order Finance for Apparel Business Expansion

Sallyport are thrilled to announce $2.0 million in accounts receivable and purchase order finance for an expanding apparel business. Sallyport already had a valued relationship with the client and had previously supported them with tailored financial services so they had no doubts about returning to us when they found themselves in need of funding and…

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Funding a Multifaceted Apparel Industry

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The apparel industry is unique and not just with regards to the fashions you see hitting the catwalk each season. The industry encompasses all kinds of businesses from designers’ first inception of a brand to importers and wholesalers, retail stores, services-based and more. Funding needs for these businesses can be very diverse depending on the…

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